For Health Care Professionals Outside the US

In the initiation phase (which lasted between 2 and 9 weeks), nearly all patients with low platelet counts were able to initiate peginterferon-based antiviral therapy after treatment with REVOLADE1,2

  • The majority of patients taking REVOLADE maintained a platelet count >50 x 109/L in the antiviral treatment phase of the studies (24 weeks or 48 weeks, depending on HCV genotype)1
    • ENABLE-1: 69% with REVOLADE vs 15% with placebo
    • ENABLE-2: 81% with REVOLADE vs 23% with placebo
REVOLADE helps patients on antiviral therapy to achieve sustained virologic response.1.2 (see the data below)
Significantly more patients taking REVOLADE, in addition to peginterferon-based antiviral therapy, achieved sustained virologic response in the ENABLE studies2


1. Afdhal NH, Dusheiko GM, Giannini EG, et al. Eltrombopag increases platelet numbers in thrombocytopenic patients with HCV infection and cirrhosis, allowing for effective antiviral therapy. Gastroenterology. 2014;146(2):442-452. 2. REVOLADE Summary of Product Characteristics. February 2019.